
Here we share some of our photography project.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hendra & Lia - Prewedding

Here I share, another project I've done.

Hendra and lia's prewedding photos, held in ketapang indah hotel.

An our before we start this photo session, suddenlly sky overcome with black cloud and the wind blow strong....., Oh... I tought this session will canceled. So, I send a short messege to Hendra and say, "let's pray so rain don't fall, or we can continue this photo session". And 30 minutes later we saw better wheater condition.... but we still have a dark cloud, and supprise It's become a very interesting background for this photo session...........

Congratulations hendra & lia......

As you see in this image, we have a dark cloud hanging in the sky.......... nice... and rare situations.

This photo is captured at 1st photo session, that held in Baluran National Park, East Java. Also have a dark cloud background.......
Okay, that's all......

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